Take a look at this story from People magazine and it is still onesided. It is only about Gabriel Aubry's feelings for Halle Berry. I believe that she finds him interesting, but I think that there is another man, for whom Halle Berry's bells toll.
Gabriel Aubry might be in love, but why is Halle Berry so secretive about this relationship when she has never been secretive before. She has not even been secretive about the different ways in which she might consider having a baby. I even saw the Oprah Winfrey episode with that revelation. Why is Halle Berry so secretive about this liaison and not about how she might have a baby? I think that Gabriel Aubry is doing a good job of courting, but that he has lost to another. Who does not know where Halle Berry is filming 'Perfect Strangers' right now?
I have even read on the web that Berry said that she and Michael Ealy had broken up officially in March 2005 and that phone calls had stopped in December 2004. What report is right? This report states that she and Ealy split in October 2005. Different reports say that she and Aubry met in October 2005 others say it was December 2005.
If Halle Berry is not confirming her relationships right now there is a good reason and I believe that the reason is she is not with her true man. She has either to meet her true man or finally be with him. I believe that there is some obstacle preventing Halle Berry from being with her TRUE LOVE and her TRUE LOVE is not Gabriel Aubry. This is how I see it, anyway.
Presents are nice. Red wine is nice. (See link.) However, love is not bought with presents. The road to friendship or love can be paved with presents, but neither friendship nor love can be bought.
So far, the articles about this liaison have been too ambiguous and now are becoming more a public statement from Gabriel Aubry's camp that it is inconceivable that Halle Berry is serious about Gabriel. Until Halle Berry makes a public declaration of some kind, I cannot believe that the Berry-Aubry liaison is anything other than a professional relationship , in which some minor infatuation festered up and ended in Halle Berry's mind.
Moreover, why would Gabriel Aubry's camp use the age old ploy of trying to pull on our heart strings with observations about his family? This is old. Either this angle is rubbish --- and I think that People magazine is telling the truth --- or Gabriel Aubry is feeling threatened. This is natural with such a beautiful woman's love at stake, but why go to the PRESS without her consent or confirmation?
I also believe that Halle Berry will lose a much more suitable man for her, if she links herself to Gabriel Aubry for much longer. She will soon have to denounce Gabriel Aubry or she will forfeit the other man forever.
Gabriel Aubry might be in love, but why is Halle Berry so secretive about this relationship when she has never been secretive before. She has not even been secretive about the different ways in which she might consider having a baby. I even saw the Oprah Winfrey episode with that revelation. Why is Halle Berry so secretive about this liaison and not about how she might have a baby? I think that Gabriel Aubry is doing a good job of courting, but that he has lost to another. Who does not know where Halle Berry is filming 'Perfect Strangers' right now?
I have even read on the web that Berry said that she and Michael Ealy had broken up officially in March 2005 and that phone calls had stopped in December 2004. What report is right? This report states that she and Ealy split in October 2005. Different reports say that she and Aubry met in October 2005 others say it was December 2005.
If Halle Berry is not confirming her relationships right now there is a good reason and I believe that the reason is she is not with her true man. She has either to meet her true man or finally be with him. I believe that there is some obstacle preventing Halle Berry from being with her TRUE LOVE and her TRUE LOVE is not Gabriel Aubry. This is how I see it, anyway.
Presents are nice. Red wine is nice. (See link.) However, love is not bought with presents. The road to friendship or love can be paved with presents, but neither friendship nor love can be bought.
So far, the articles about this liaison have been too ambiguous and now are becoming more a public statement from Gabriel Aubry's camp that it is inconceivable that Halle Berry is serious about Gabriel. Until Halle Berry makes a public declaration of some kind, I cannot believe that the Berry-Aubry liaison is anything other than a professional relationship , in which some minor infatuation festered up and ended in Halle Berry's mind.
Moreover, why would Gabriel Aubry's camp use the age old ploy of trying to pull on our heart strings with observations about his family? This is old. Either this angle is rubbish --- and I think that People magazine is telling the truth --- or Gabriel Aubry is feeling threatened. This is natural with such a beautiful woman's love at stake, but why go to the PRESS without her consent or confirmation?
I also believe that Halle Berry will lose a much more suitable man for her, if she links herself to Gabriel Aubry for much longer. She will soon have to denounce Gabriel Aubry or she will forfeit the other man forever.
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