
Sensible and responsible comments to news items and rebuttals to gossip, hearsay, and malicious untruths. Anecdotes and Observations.

Location: Mission, British Columbia, Canada

I was in Japan from July 1991 to August 2003. I taught English to every age group. My registered name in Japan is Akira Moritani. In Japanese, the last name comes first and the first name comes last. My Japanese name means forest (mori) valley (tani) brightness (akira). The brightness is in the sense of light.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


There are too many reports that indicate that the liaison between Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry is purely professional. Only Gabriel Aubry’s publicist has made a statement about the relationship between the two (See MSNBC). Halle Berry has refused to confirm that she is in a relationship with Gabriel Aubry.

Pictures tell stories, but not always full truths.

Here Halle has been reported to have refused to confirm her relationship to Gabriel. What could this mean? Are they just friends.

Why was it said in the New York Times, which is a highly respected journal and newspaper of our day, that Halle Berry was not at the Versace party for very long and yet other 'rags' would have it that Halle and Gabriel are actually lovebirds and were at each other all night? In pictures of an after party put on by Versace, one will not find Halle, but will find Gabriel chatting up other women. One such woman was Milla Jovovich. ( I am not saying this is wrong, but look at it as evidence against a Halle-Gabriel-hot-&heavy romance.) Halle and Gabriel are just in a professional mode only.

...and why did Halle Berry sneak in a side door, if she and Gabriel were a hot item? And why is there little or no mention of Gabriel? In some reports, Gabriel Aubry was right beside Ms. Berry.

Halle Berry is a professional and friendly person. Putting one’s hand on someone’s lap or holding someone’s hand does not a relationship make.

From Halle Berry’s and possibly Gabriel Aubry’s perspectives, the two of them might just be friends. Maybe, he wants more than a friendship and she does not. Good chemistry does not necessarily make a relationship.

Is all this about a man, who is courting a woman, who just wants to be friends?

What do you think?


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